Apr/May 2006 Poetry Special Feature

If the dog barks at midnight

by Barbara De Franceschi

If the dog barks at midnight

bury your head
pull the blankets around your body
writhe in amulet security

if you should dare into the dark
seek sullen corners / search behind trees
you may witness a miracle—
the Devil eating mulberries
with Eve at his feet

cherubs will bring a yelp of puppies
to console your old kelpie bitch
pump her shriveled nipples full of milk
skeletons will play on lutes
bodiless physicians place daisy chains
around your neck
fight to flake your life with unholiness

do not be surprised if
the eight gates of Babylon
open before your hanging eyes
swans float without water
on the moisture of your breath

when you wake in the morning
dreams forgotten in the vertical
satisfaction drying on chafed lips
look for daisy petals on your pillow
black candles on your window sill


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