Jul/Aug 2015 Poetry

Subject: (no subject)

by Steve Bogdaniec

Photography by Lydia Selk

Photography by Lydia Selk

Subject: (no subject)

I always thought this would go differently
that your stares hinted at another longing
instant calculations of risk versus passion
sadly settling for glimpses as I would pass by

Once I knew to look, it was everywhere
in all glances in every word
in the smiles you manufactured
to keep from blanching at the stench
yesterday I overheard your smirking coffee gossip
pitying my wife for ever having married me
last night I even went through your papers
and found a crumpled copy of the cartoon you made
me fat and grinning bucktoothed
with my desk melting in hell
after Satan called back his minion to roast

It's not my fault
your cubicle is all 5 years of college bought you
I should not be the pick
that scrapes away everything good in your soul
never mind an entertaining target
you don't have to work here
I don't have to work here
and if I was as heavily wedged against boredom's trigger as you seem to be
I'd either shoot myself or quit

But if you insist on sticking it out
keep up the false obedience
put up with poison torture in silence
and have the blah blah blah done by Friday
it's due this week


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