Celia Hixon

Celia Hixon started telling stories to other children in the third grade, and began sporadically writing poems and short stories by the eighth grade. Her first attempts at publication did not come until decades later after her children had grown and gone. Since 1990 she has published articles and stories in such magazines as:

American Accent Short Story Magazine -- Gila Queen's Guide To Markets -- Kracked Mirror Mystery Magazine -- Midnight Zoo Magazine & Calendars Muse Portfolio -- New Writer's Magazine -- Prolific Writer's Magazine -- Rural Heritage Magazine -- Scavenger's Newsletter -- Word Weavers and Writer's Journal.

In 1994 Celia virtually stopped writing for magazines to concentrate on novel writing. Her first book in a mystery series Death Forms A Circle Sinister is on the rounds. Her second book Death In The Common Weal is in progress.

In 1996 Celia and her artist husband Lester began putting together a small press with illustrated reference booklets for writers. The first booklet series Animal Drafted Vehicles is almost ready for the market place. The second booklet "Elements Of Fiction Writing" is in progress. Lester is also putting together a series of decorated stationary. Due to the high cost of paper publication, the booklets will first appear on IBM Compatible formated discs. Hopefully within a year they will also come out on CD.

Anyone interested in seeing some examples of Lester's drawings and Celia's writing can go to the Merry Manyr homepage. Bear in mind, Lester's section is an on-going illustrated story in a fantasy manor intended for adults only. If you object to nudity and near nudity in female figures you have the option to go only into Celia's sections where the only pictures will be photographs of fully dressed descendants and ancestors in the genealogical section. The Library has articles, short stories, sometimes poetry, and a short section which tells where the ideas came from for each piece. At this time the third installment is being put together, and will hopefully be on-line by the time this article appears.

"The Marvelous Mule" first appeared in Rural Heritage Magazine in the December 1990 issue. The article is a composite of several interviews made in 1989 with mule owners, and some excerpts from extensive research into the history of mule production.


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