Another for the Young Woman at the Front Desk

Another for the Young Woman at the Front Desk

Good morning

        I just need to tell you
        that last night they told me
        they wanted you
        I ran with the wolves
        and they howled your name
        like a legend
        licked at the salt of the moon
        Eyes all a glow
        panting their breaths into
        an arctic wind
        The stars are old bones
        from prey gone past
        Yes         they want you
        Yes         they shall deny it 
        to your face
        they will

What shall we talk about today

        I can still feel them panting
        watching us
        like we were campers around a fire
        slick hair
        darting eyes and a suit
        Brief case ready for another day
        of desolving humanity

What are we doing here

        Sometimes I wonder if the wolves
        are our shadows
        or our harbingers
        hungry for their day

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