Eclectica Featured Author
Brad Bostian

Brad writes: I live in Charlotte with my wife and two dachshunds; my first novel is finally
creeping toward its inevitable end; and so is my MFA degree at USC-Columbia, where I had
the privilege of studying poetry with the (still I think) irrepressible James Dickey.
With my degree in hand, I hope to teach creative writing, somewhere, anywhere, someday.

I think poems should speak for themselves, but since they don't always do that,
let me say that when I equate people and ants and dogs and spiders, a few people have thought
I meant therefore that everything was equally meaningless, when my basic premise
actually is that everything is equally holy.



Dog Planet


The Ants

On Sunday in Spring Waiting for the Service to Be Over

A Conversation on the Subject of Mortality with My Uncle in a Small Boat Off Cape Cod, 1994

Still Life

Still Life II

Crossing Phillip's Pond While Contemplating the Time Remaining to Us in This Life





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