Eclectica Book Reviews



A Mapmaker's Dream -- James Cowan
Frequent reviewer Ann Skea returns with a new revew of a book impossible to categorize...


The Writer's Trade: Stories -- Nicholas Delbanco
One of your hardy editors does a retro-review of one of Delbanco's best books. Chris Lott.


The Empty Bed -- Rachel Hadas
Hadas, author of Living in Time and others, produces another great book. Chris Lott
Straight Out of View -- Joyce Sutphen
First book by Joyce Sutphen, winner of the 1994 Barnard New Woman Poet's Prize. Chris Lott


Bad Land -- Jonathan Raban
Jonathan Raban's latest literary travel book is reviewed by Ann Skea.


Taking the Risk Out of Democracy -- Alex Carey
Dale Wharton returns with another precise review of a new book about Democracy in America and elsewhere.


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