Eclectica Book Reviews



Cross Channel -- Julian Barnes
Ann Skea reviews British sensation Julian Barnes' latest book.
Gangster of Love -- Jessica Hagedorn
Allen Gaborro returns with a review of Filipina sensation Jessica Hagedorn's long-awaited new novel.


so it goes: poems -- Eamon Grennan
Chris Lott reviews Eamon Grennan's newest book of poetry.
The Game in Reverse: Poems -- Taslima Nasrin
Some of Bengali poet Taslima Nasrin's powerful poems are finally available in English. Review by Chris Lott.


I Came, I Saw -- Norman Lewis
Ann Skea reviews a "new" book by popular author Norman Lewis


With Chatwin: Portrait of a Writer -- Susannah Clapp
A new book about the elusive and mysterious Bruce Chatwin is reviewed by Ann Skea.


The Ends of the Earth -- Robert D. Kaplan
Serious travel writing about the world most never see-- and don't want to think about! Review by Ann Skea


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