Jan/Feb 2021  •   Poetry  •   Special Feature

The Shape of Things

by Becca Downs

Earthscape artwork by Andres Amador

Earthscape artwork by Andres Amador

The Shape of Things

Is it so strange to wonder at your own god-
like powers to change the shape of things,
invisible things like Anger and Longing?

to imagine disputes caged in only your mind,
write them down and breathe life into them,
build a city tooth and nail where they may roam,
then dismantle that world's brittle infrastructure?

how newspapers build stories you can see
and toss in a fire to watch disappear—
how like a sponge you hold those stories
saturated heavy with Tragedy and Pride,
how they alight gold in the licking flames
then crumble like a cremating body—
how the ashes settle in the silent dark
until swept up in a sudden gust of wind
or nudged by a gentle breath, a whisper
from a ghost, a voice like someone
you once knew, hushing your name.