Jul/Aug 2011

e c l e c t i c a   r e v i e w s  & 
i n t e r v i e w s

Reviews & Interviews

(These are excerpts—click on the title to view the whole piece!)

Gilbert Wesley Purdy reviews...

Terminal Diagrams and Upgraded to Serious
by Garrick Davis & Heather McHugh, respectively

It is difficult to imagine just what "practice" would amount to for a young poet. Writing reams of poetry, presumably. But does reading poetry and critical texts count, as well? On the other end of the question, as it were, it is equally as difficult to know just what criteria place a poet at the pinnacle of the craft. According to book blurbs, the poetry of our times is exceptional to the point that the highest superlatives apply to almost every new volume.

See Me Improving
by Travis Nichols

More often still, they read like traditional surrealism. And then again, they are poems by a slightly roguish poet who just finds life pretty darned livable...

Colleen Mondor reviews...

The Fox and Hen Series
by Beatrice Rodriguez

I'’m tempted to say this is the series the cool little kids will be paging through but I know if I write that then the books will become all trendy and soon showing up on the blogs as the best accessory with $75 toddler outfits and everything else a two-year old really doesn’t need.

Queen of the Falls
by Chris Van Allsburg

People didn’t expect someone who looked like Annie Taylor to have accomplished such an amazing feat. Clearly, the desire for beautiful young celebrities is not a modern concern...

Kimberly L. Becker interviews...

Molly McGlennen

I'm attracted to the way poetry works like a giant jigsaw puzzle scattered out before you. Whether you are writing a poem or reading someone else's, that puzzle is there, prompting the process of pulling the pieces together.

Elizabeth P. Glixman interviews...

John Vick

The poems on YouTube, which I designate as "conceptual," are not known or planned. Only the process takes place, and that is very much a conceptual approach. My process begins by taking either an old photo—such as a high school image from the 1970s—or a new photo—such as light bulbs, hands, fire—and applying various filters and effects to it, plus layers of other photos, until I have something that inspires me to write.

Leo Gerard interviews...

Norman Ball

The genocidal nightmares are like a dramatic canopy laid atop ordinary despairs. Yes, things feel due for a cull or a cessation. But the scythe is just as likely to be wielded by Mother Nature as by the Rockefellers. Everyone's jockeying to be on the right side of the final weigh-in. Even the Mayan calendar is flashing a brick wall.