Apr/May 2024  •   Poetry  •   Special Feature

Green in the Solar System

by Joyce Brinkman

Photographic artwork by Kris Saknussemm

Photographic artwork by Kris Saknussemm

Green in the Solar System

Earth alone harbors green.
It rises from dark soil
to claim the land.

It reaches into air
to seek the sun.

On an older, hotter earth
it overlapped its canopy
as shelter.

Blanketing Earth's nascent life
with precious shade.

Without feet it's
ever on the run, jumping in-
between Earth's lazy rivers

that only follow paths
and lie within their beds.

It dips into small pools.
It floats upon them. Then
displays yellows, whites and reds.

It brings a tartly bite
to autumn apples.

Sweet refreshment
to the honeydew. Along with
the mellowness of sage.

Green flavors our food.
Powers our machines.

Humans eat it,
fight it and lounge
on its lushness.

It trails and wraps around
our broken walls, mends our lives.

Holding the world together,
in our solar system it displays
only on Earth.