Jul/Aug 2024

e c l e c t i c a
f i c t i o n


(These are excerpts—click on the title to view the whole piece!)

Blue America

Ann looked at the magician. He didn't have that fairground huckster vibe she'd expected. Bad suit, yes. But there was a something else quality to him. What was it? Ann thought of the mayor of a fallen city, a guy who'd spit at his captors as they got ready to shoot him.

Stewart Engesser

...for Love

By the second night, I had been adopted, and for my initiation, the first full-on party was started. The pub was raided for crates of Wicked, a barrel of some local beer, a crate of cider, and some new drink called Jägermeister. We were all wasted by 9:00 and moved on to spliffs.

Alex Keegan

Ultimate Warriors

He beckoned Sal closer as he stage-whispered, "In this very room, we have every piece of melon there is to be found in the whole casino. Every cantaloupe, every watermelon, every damn honeydew. This Rachmaninoff guy your dad's fighting, guess what his favorite food is? Nope, not steak tartar, not lobster tail. It's melon. He's been asking about it all night, saying he'll give a hundred bucks to the first porter who brings him some. But he ain't getting any, is he? No sir, not tonight."

Shane Joaquin Jimenez

Radio Waves

And here's the thing about the Radio Wave: the girls can't say no, man. They just can't say no. I've seen em, even the girls who are too pretty to dance, too pretty to talk to. They're all breasts and legs, ponying up for a pint, whispering to the pretty girls who came with 'em, their bodies smug and resolute, disdainful of everyone but the young handsome banker in his banker suit doing the banker's nod and walk to the Radio Wave.

Steve Vermillion


The circus is in town, that's the truth of it. There's not a hotel room anywhere, and no AirB'nBs. People are renting out their places for a fortune, then heading for the beach. Why not? They know that come Sunday, they'll be selling postcards of the hanging within 15 minutes of the lever being thrown, and it'll be live on the Gov Channel, anyway, so why not make a few thousand bucks while you can?

Alex Keegan