Jul/Aug 2024

e c l e c t i c a
s a l o n


(These are excerpts—click on the title to view the whole piece!)

The Heart of Salvation

The Zionist enterprise is rooted in an ideology of a Jewish state for a Jewish people, just as the fundamentalist Christian ideology produces its own: a White, Christian America. That ideology derives from a religious narrative as much as Zionism's does. Ignoring the religious underpinnings in either Zionism or other fundamentalist ideologies is to turn a blind eye to what is really going on.

Thomas J. Hubschman

"Nigger" and Other Euphemisms: a Modest Proposal

Until we have actual integration in this country, no euphemism can paper over the reality that we are a nation divided into two castes.

Thomas J. Hubschman

An Error in the System

Under Article II, the President's official duties include executing and enforcing laws created by Congress. If you ever watched the West Wing, you grasp how that encompasses a near infinitely broad range of Presidential actions, receiving oral sex from one of your interns in the Oval Office being one of the few clear exceptions. Had he been prosecuted, Nixon could have claimed he was simply protecting national security when he assented to that psychiatrist's office break-in. When Hitler authorized Auschwitz, I suspect he would have (if he'd been President of the US and it had happened more recently) a very strong "official act" defense based on his duty to enforce the array of anti-Semitic and anti-Romani laws he'd put in place.

Marko Fong

An Error in the System II

As we walked the grounds, I fell into an odd mental game: asking myself what aspect or artifact of Auschwitz was the most disturbing. There are too many candidates: the "black wall" where resisting prisoners were routinely shot while their fellow prisoners were forced to witness; Zyklon B canisters; a hallway lined with the names and arrival and death dates—always far too close together—of the prisoners; learning that life expectancy for the prisoners who weren't immediately gassed was less than six months; lightless metal and stone isolation cells where difficult prisoners were kept; descriptions of rations calculated to keep prisoners just alive enough to keep working in IG Farben factories or in nearby farms; the collections of shoes, suitcases, and hair that now sit behind glass.

Marko Fong