Oct/Nov 2024

e c l e c t i c a
s a l o n


(These are excerpts—click on the title to view the whole piece!)

Pernicious Myths: Anti-Semiticism and Racism

It would also be a mistake to believe human beings naturally despise and degrade other people because of a difference in skin tone. The myth of inborn antisemitism—a narrative taught in Israeli schools from kindergarten on up and believed by many Jews who live elsewhere in the world—must be eradicated as well. There is a cause, or at least an historical narrative, for antisemitism, just as there is a cause for color prejudice that has nothing to do with skin color. Till we acknowledge all prejudice has a cause, if not a justification, we will be slaves to mythologies self-serving to some but disastrous for others, as so much of the 20th century demonstrated, and as the headlines of today's newspapers still do.

Thomas J. Hubschman

Eleanor Bumpurs: In Memoriam

Her door is triple-locked
A blade that once cut school lunches
All she has
To face Beelzebub

Thomas J. Hubschman

Coming soon...

an essay by

Marko Fong