Jul/Aug 2024  •   Poetry

A Beautiful Pathology

by Pramod M. Lad

Cuban Art


A Beautiful Pathology

"You asked. Crazy, how the beautiful brain works.
The main axis, amygdaloid, hypothalamic,
septal, governs. The store of seismic
events where the spinning allure lurks
is the hippocampus. The brain contradicts often.
Remove the pallidus, you will instantly reach
for any passing curve. Plant an electrode, one
shock, no stimulus works. They preach and teach
balance, composure, no one knows the locus where."

"Doctor, the vision. It returned. The full red
tunic, the silent thoughtful downward stare,
the magic of the running blue and red threads.
I understand. But is there something I need to resist?
Doctor, the great glow of it. The picture persists."