Jul/Aug 2024

e c l e c t i c a
p o e t r y


(These are excerpts—click on the title to view the whole piece!)

Special Feature — Word Poems

Poems containing the words albeit, machine, castigate and busty.

Four Poems

what happens when the hangman goes home?
does he revel in his launching, read the paper,
drink to sleep to dream the hangmare

Jonathan Focht

The Rapists of Childhood

We found them stalking our father's depressions, mocking our overweight mothers, commanding our elderly dogs to obey.

Meg Pokrass

Beula's Hand

The work of your fingers adorns our home—geometric
progressions of black and scarlet on grays and fleece white

Tina Harrach Denetclaw

The Flowers Convention

Spreading your fingers wide to expose the fennel in you.

Gloria D. Gonsalves

The Painting

He carried a blue chair, a place to sit down.
Chair—color of the sky.
Man—brown as the earth.

Jessica D. Thompson

The Opposite

The details unravel
like the porn movie we tried
to pry out of the Beta Max

C.L. Liedekev

A Beautiful Pathology

The store of seismic
events where the spinning allure lurks
is the hippocampus.

Pramod M. Lad

American Dipper

It is there to remind me
and her that humans are hungry things—
wanting, wanting, wanting

Eric Hadley

Sonnet With Nostalgia

Things were fair and good, and this was part of it.

Adam Spiegelman

The Gifts

my father liked to give flashlights,
camping lights, outdoor strings,
solar pen lights to clip to keychains

Joseph Mills

Beach Day

pages uncompose themselves: world news
gusts over the dunes

Claudia Buckholts

Cut-Off Genes

What he needed early in life
was to be guided
through fuzzy dilemmas

Rick Adang

Five Poems (Women of Science)

I wrote down all the names,
all the versions of all the names.

Jessy Randall